What is the golden seed?
Our Dedication:
{the direction and orientation of our aspiration}
For oneSelf, family, community, cultures, ecosystems, Earth, and all of Life - past, present, and future. We are here to nurture and realize a deeper love for Beauty, Goodness, and Truth.
The Soil:
{the culture needed to nourish the seeds to be planted}
We are living in a time of crisis, in many different ways and for many different reasons. Humans have forgotten who we are - greatly separated from ourselves, our environments, our communities, our planet, and our Spirit... And there are many ways to attend to these times so that we may host and participate in the beautiful evolution of this Earth. How does one be an active participant in the life that they are inhabiting in order for the beautiful, rich realities and futures to materialize from their potential? What does it mean to nourish the literal and metaphorical soil, the culture in which things grow? Who are we? What are even the right questions to ask? We hold these questions truly valuable, deeply meaningful, sacred, mysterious, complex, and needed. To be seen, felt, listened, thought, imagined, and aspired into. Continuing to attend to these questions is needed to cultivate the fertile soil that can support the seed. We are here to support anyone who yearns for and is in service to the love for Life. We need each other to become hosts for our world together, like the networks of mycelium in an ecosystem of interconnected unique individuals.
The Seed:
{the prayer}
Each being has a Golden Seed within - the seed of our Divine Creator, the seed that connects us back to our Source and remembrance of Who We Are.
We have a prayer for the future - one where we as creator beings are connected to this seed, remembering it in ourselves and each other; living in right relationship with ourselves, our communities, our Mother Earth, our Universe. One where the clearest tones of Love are at the root of all willing action. This is a personal and collective revolution of remembrance, reunion, and regeneration; honouring natural law, our spiritual capacities, and at the core, who we are.
When we nourish this seed within, it grows and proliferates so that we may spread and plant the seeds of resonance that are born of it, learning how to tend to their growth as we endeavour on a new path. With the ways that we approach each moment, we are all planting our golden seeds.
We know that these seeds need material, energetic, and spiritual nourishment so that future generations may harvest the richest fruits of the vision. We are here to serve the golden seed of this vision in collaboration and co-creation with all those who resonate; sharing our embodied knowledge, experience, practices, and tools across the multiple modalities we work with.
We intend to holistically serve all layers of the ecosystem of the individual, and the collective, by engaging in 1:1 and group container work.